Numit numbing cream toughens up kids of all ages, from neonates (newborns) and infants* to older children. Numit lidocaine and prilocaine cream can also be used in adults and children to help numb the pain of common medical procedures, such as blood sampling and IV catheter insertion, as well as, other procedures like laser hair removal, and laser tattoo removal.
Numit numbing cream has two active ingredients (local anesthetics, lidocaine, and prilocaine) that work together to give a skin-numbing effect, so you can tough it through a range of common minor superficial medical and cosmetic procedures.
Numit contains a synergistic combination of lidocaine (also called lignocaine) and prilocaine. This combination of local anaesthetics can penetrate the skin and target nerve endings more easily. This helps stop pain signals from starting and spreading.
1. NIH. National Cancer Institutes SEER training modules [internet]. 2018 [cited 2018 May 1]. Available from
2. Bjerring P, Arendt-Nielsen L. Depth and duration of skin analgesia to needle insertion after topical application of Emla cream. Br J Anaesth 1990; 64(2):173–7.
3. Tadicherla S, Berman B. Percutaneous dermal drug delivery for local pain control. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2006;2(1):99-113.
4. Data held on file at Ego Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd.
*Not suitable for premature infants.
**Only relevant for application time under occlusion of 1 hour