Numit 5% Cream
Numit 5% Cream
Numit Numbing cream is a topical anaesthetic cream that provides anaesthesia of the skin.
Considering getting a tattoo you once loved removed from your body, but the fear of potential pain is holding you back? The thought of laser tattoo removal can be anxiety inducing for some. While laser tattoo removal sessions are usually short1–4, generally multiple laser treatments are required to remove a complex tattoo that contains a combination of different coloured inks1.
Multiple treatments of having to endure discomfort can be minimised with numbing creams like Numit. Numit provides a solution for something that can be potentially painful over many sessions, into something much more manageable to help get you through it.
Laser tattoo removal can be thought of like a high tech eraser for your skin. These lasers are designed to zap away unwanted ink.
More precisely, the laser removal of tattoos is based on the concept of selectively using light to create heat to destroy coloured tattoo pigments.
Lasers have an ability to fire very short, but high-energy pulses of light targeting the tattoo colour pigment within pigment-containing skin cells, but sparing the skin around it.
The light travels through until it hits the tattoo pigment where it gets absorbed, helping to break the tattoo pigment into smaller particles.
Laser light of different wavelengths is preferentially absorbed by different tattoo coloured pigments. Smaller particles are then removed by cells’ immune system, more precisely by specialised immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes, contributing to a lightening of the tattoo ink and subsequently leading to tattoo fading1–4.
Laser tattoo removal has come a long way. Nowadays, the laser-based method is considered the first option in tattoo removal3.
When compared to more traditional, non-selective and destructive tattoo removal techniques such as dermabrasion and surgical excision1, the laser-based method is credited with being the most effective, targeted and much gentler on the skin in comparison.
With multiple sessions likely needed for laser tattoo removal, there is a possibility that a patient may experience mild discomfort or pain on the skin during the appointments.
The level of discomfort and pain depends on several factors including:
For example certain body parts including the face, ankle and fingers have more sensitivity during tattoo removal because the skin is closer to the bone and has more nerve endings.
Body parts that have more muscle mass and more fat such as the shoulders, biceps or thighs tend to experience less pain5.
Dial down the discomfort and take control of your tattoo removal experience with Numit. Topical anaesthetics such as 2.5% lidocaine/2.5% prilocaine numbing cream are often applied under occlusion prior to procedure to minimise associated discomfort and pain1.
Numit is a combination numbing cream that contains two active ingredients (local anaesthetics); lidocaine (lignocaine) 2.5%w/w and prilocaine 2.5%w/w6.
These ingredients are known to be able to dull pain sensations in the skin by disrupting the generation of pain signals that are sent by the nerves in the skin to the brain7.
The combination of lidocaine and prilocaine creates a powerful pain blocking mechanism. Together, they block pain signals and provide targeted relief, creating a more comfortable experience.
Numit can form a reservoir of the active ingredients in the skin during application, and these ingredients can continue to be released from this reservoir and numb the area even after the cream is removed7.
Numit can be applied in three steps ‘COAT, COVER and CLEAN’ before laser tattoo removal to help minimise the pain sensation. (Always read the label and follow the directions for use.)8:
Apply a thick layer of Numit cream to clean, intact skin at least 1 hour prior to your laser hair removal treatment. Refer to the product information leaflet for the appropriate dosage.
Use an occlusive dressing (one that is air-tight and clear) to cover the area. Leave this dressing on for the recommended time according to the product information leaflet.
Remove the dressing immediately before the procedure and wipe off the cream. The laser tattoo technician can help to clean the area.
Don't let fear of pain stop you from saying goodbye to an unwanted tattoo. Numit could help you feel more at ease during laser tattoo removal. Numit’s topical anaesthetic ability helps you stride into those appointments knowing discomfort might be easier to manage.